Ahrue Luster Tells The True Story of Robb Flynn's Infamous Orange Jacket

Ahrue Luster Tells The True Story of Robb Flynn's Infamous Orange Jacket

- By Maxime Cherrier

Ahrue Luster joined Joshua Toomey and Ro Kohli of Nu Pod to discuss the 25th Anniversary of Machine Head's "The Burning Red".

In this clip, the "From This Day" video is discussed and the fashion of the band at the time. Ahrue speaks on his Kung Fu suit and the collective thought of Kung Fu suits with Chino of Deftones. Ahrue also looks back on playing local shows with a then unknown Deftones and watching them grow in popularity. He also comes clean and admits that the orange jacket that Robb if forever linked to was a jacket that he bought at Urban Outfitters. Ahrue didn't like the way it fit and gave it to Robb and the rest is Nu Metal history!

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